Instructional Design
My first course in my instructional design and technology master degree program challenged me to think more about the process behind instructional design and helped shape the way I view developing instructional materials.
The most impactful part of the course was being introduced to the nine steps of the instructional design process. The first step of the instructional design process is to identify the instructional problem. Understanding the learners’ characteristics is the next step to ensure that instructions meet the learner’s needs. Then, a task analysis is performed to determine what information needs to be included in the instruction. After that, objectives are set, and the content is organized in a logical sequence. Instructional strategies are then chosen to engage learners. The design and development of the instructional materials follow. Finally, the evaluation step assesses whether the instruction met its goals.
This course emphasized the importance of solid reasoning and using evidence based practices in instructional design. While learning about learner characteristics and instructional strategies, I learned about the importance of ensuring that every design choice is informed by research and based on the needs and characteristics of learners’.
Throughout the course, I developed an instructional design plan for employee onboarding training in a sign shop. I chose to develop this training, because I was inspired by my current position as a graphic designer working in a sign shop.
I identified the need for instruction, conducted a thorough learner analysis, performed a detailed task analysis, sequenced objectives, and developed an instructional design plan.